So here I have a new Blog page for updates and news.
I promise this will be a regular thing. I'm going to attempt to get something up every 2 weeks. I think that's manageable, considering I was not very regular for the last 5 years or so, it will be an effort - but all in the name of being Organizizied! (Not like Travis Bickle from the film Taxi Driver, it just always comes to mind..)
I was contemplating adding all of the Blog posts from my old website, but gosh-darn-it, life's too short! So I thought, why not just add one that covers that period - which started in 2013... It included work that I did for Bust The Box Tribute Album Cover, An exhibition of my Exist/Extinct work in Bristol, Exhibiting works and fundraising at the YMCA Open Houses, Creating new hand-finished Birds Watching prints, Spray painting new signage for The Burger, and works done at the Shangri-La Art Department at Glastonbury Festival.
Other notable events over the last five years have been working with Dan at AnotherFineMesh screen-printers, and with the charity ArtHouseUnlimited as Screen Printing Manager. In 2017 I took a 'regular' job, painting and decorating, so that I could concentrate on finishing my Greedios book and continue writing MagnetBoy and stop searching for creative work, which takes a lot of time and doesn't always bring bread to the table! Luckily I enjoy painting walls and it has allowed me to regroup my thoughts and plans. This is why I haven't created a lot of works for sale in this time. Also that I'm working from my home studio and not sharing Dan's printing studio, so access to ScreenPrinting equipment isn't quite so immediately at hand!
Over the last year I have managed to squeeze in some work for Matt Stapleton, who is pursuing his dream, writing What If Stories, (whilst holding down the day-job) and the first issue of his comic is out now and available to buy from his site. I have worked on 'Die Hard of The Dead' a zombie filled story that will continue into a graphic novel. That's been a lot of fun, and good practice for how I want to create my future comic book stories. Also we'll be having a launch party - everyone's welcome to come say hi, maybe buy a comic, or I can draw you as a zombie! At the Brighton YHA -
I'll leave you with some of the images from that.
Until next time!